Our patrons say...
Some quotes from our patrons about why they support Skies are Weeping.
Professor Noam Chomsky
“Rachel Corrie was a young woman of rare courage and integrity, who risked her life to protect victims of savage destruction and brutality. Her heroic actions have all the more meaning for Americans because of our direct participation, unwitting or not, in the crimes she gave her life to prevent. She should be remembered, and honored, by all decent people, and should be a constant inspiration to them to do what they can to defend the principles that she upheld.”
“One hopes that music, as much as words and pictures, would alert the world to the daily crimes against humanity that are taking place in Palestine. Rachel Corrie witnessed these crimes, reported them and died while trying to stop them. The cantata is not only in her memory, but also a reminder of her legacy: to continue the international struggle against the occupation until peace arrives in the torn land of Palestine and Israel. Yours, Ilan Pappe”
“The World Premiere of the cantata for Rachel Corrie is an event of great symbolic significance and a fitting tribute to a young woman of exceptional courage and dedication. One of the most monstrous aspects of Israeli policy in the occupied territories is the demolition of the homes of Palestinian families. Rachel took sides in this hopelessly unequal conflict between the occupiers and the occupied, between the oppressors and the oppressed. She was on the side of the underdog. Indeed, she sacrificed her life in defence of Palestinian rights against brutal Israeli aggression. In doing so, she set an example for the rest of us and she helped to keep alive the hope that justice for the Palestinians will prevail in the end. Best wishes, Avi.” Professor of International Relations, St Antony's College, Oxford
Miriam Margolyes
“I support the event because I think what happened to Rachel was wrong — and I - who am a proud Jew - am not proud when we do wrong.”
Clare Short
"I am supporting the World Premiere of the cantata for Rachel Corrie because there has been the usual campaign to silence even a cantata to commemorate a young woman who gave her life in order to stand for justice. I also believe that US backing for Israeli policies of expansion of the Israeli state and oppression of the Palestinian people is the major cause of bitter division and violence in the world. Best wishes. Clare Short MP"
"The Skies are Weeping concert is important because it is about an individual's right to life and the right of all of us to freedom, nothing more, nothing less, and we should support it."
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